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Lipoprotein(a) – a suitable case for treatment?

Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd has provided OmniaMed Communications Ltd with an arm’s length sponsorship towards the development of this British Journal of Cardiology podcast.
In this podcast, Dr Dermot Neely and Dr Jai Cegla discuss a recently published joint statement by HEART UK and the Association for Laboratory Medicine about standardising lipid testing and reporting in the United Kingdom, with a particular focus on lipoprotein(a).

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Dr Dermot Neely Retired Lipidologist, HEART UK Trustee
Dr Jai Cegla Consultant in Chemical Pathology and Metabolic Medicine, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Learning objectives

  • To share recommendations from the recently published joint statement by HEART UK and the Association for Laboratory Medicine about standardising lipid testing and reporting in the United Kingdom, with a particular focus on lipoprotein(a) (Lp[a])
  • To discuss the why, how and in whom Lp(a) should be measured
  • To examine future prospects for management of elevated Lp(a)

Click here to view a video discussion about Lp(a).

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